Educational Excellence Since 1912
Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating students in PreSchool through Grade 12

Corinne “Corky” Marino Chace 1962 Retires

Jodi Amatulli
After reading the 2017 Hamden Hall Magazine, Corinne “Corky” Marino Chase, Class of 1962, shared some fond memories about her time under the pines, adding to her earlier announcement about her retirement in June 2017 after 30 years at Lauralton Hall.
Looking back, Corky said her path to Hamden Hall in 1958 was paved through her family's friends and neighbors--the Martin Olson Family, whose three children were alumni. Slyvia Olson had graduated in 1950, and twins Joyce and Jerry, in 1955.
"The decision to attend Hamden Hall was actually not mine, but my father's," Corky said. "My father owned a jewelry store and Martin Olson was his landlord and friend. We bought Martin's home in East Haven and my maternal aunt bought Jerry's home across the street. I had planned to go to East Haven High with all my friends. In August, between eighth and ninth grades, my father, without warning, woke me to tell me that I was taking a placement test that day!  He had wanted a better education for me, while I had wanted a better social life with my friends and classmates from elementary school. Of course, 'father knows best' and on that day I began my summer readings! 
When I entered my first French class at HamdenHall with Mrs. Keggi, I was shocked! She entered speaking a French paragraph that I can still recite. In my eyes, everybody else knew what she was saying, and I was behind on the very first day! Being sent to my parents' choice for school and being the underdog in that first French class gave me a life lesson that I was able to share with my students for years. Teaching French I, I had a combination of students who had taken French before but didn't master enough to advance to French II. I could reassure them that I was beginning the language from 'hello, my name is' and they soon would be level with their more experienced classmates. The broader 'Mama Chace' lesson to my students dealt with being sent to a school chosen by their parents without their consent. Hamden Hall taught me more than academics. It taught me life lessons that I was able to pass on to my many students. Teaching (especially in a private school) is not a financially rewarding occupation, but I can say that I have been able to leave important lessons to my girls. Teaching about life is more valuable that teaching the conjugation of verbs, and I am very thankful that my father guided me to Hamden Hall."
Before closing, Corky added that she was very pleased to see updates in the magazine on her classmates, Lindy Lee Gold and Robert "Bucky" Buckingham. "The Class of 1962, while small, has had so many distinctions in 55 years." 
We thank Cokry for her sharing her story.

Hamden Hall Country Day School

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