Educational Excellence Since 1912
Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating students in PreSchool through Grade 12

The Role of the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees

Hamden Hall Country Day School is governed by an 18-member volunteer Board of Trustees, and includes the President of the Parents’ Association, and the Head of School, who serves as an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board’s responsibility includes selecting and evaluating the Head of School, program oversight, long-range planning, and financial stewardship. There are four full Board meetings per year. The academic and extracurricular programs of the school are the responsibility of the Head of School, his administrative team, and the faculty. There are five standing Board committees: Executive Committee, Resource Management Committee, Education Committee, Institutional Advancement Committee, and Committee on Trustees. Each committee meets several times per year and all trustees are active on at least one committee. Below is a detailed description of committee responsibilities:

List of 5 items.

  • Executive Committee

    This committee coordinates, with the board chair, the work of the board; serves as a sounding platform for the head; acts in place of the board between board meetings in the manner prescribed by the bylaws and as expressly delegated by the board; and reports any actions to the board in a timely fashion. Because the board meets only five times per year, the committee can be helpful in expediting the board’s business.
  • Resource Management Committee (Three Sub-Committees)

    Finance Sub -Committee
    In concert with staff, this sub-committee develops the long-range financial plan and yearly operational budget, recommends tuition levels for board approval; monitors the implementation of the budget; makes periodic reports to the board on the school’s financial status; and educates the board on nonprofit financial reporting and trends affecting the school’s finances.
    Investment Sub-Committee
    This sub-committee develops and recommends to the board for its approval policies that delineate how the school’s endowment will be invested and what amount of return on investment will be used in the yearly operating budget; monitors the investment portfolio’s return, including setting investment objectives, and meeting with the professional advisor; and periodically reports to the board on the endowment’s performance.

    Building and Grounds Sub-Committee
    This sub-committee develops the master plan of the school’s buildings and grounds with the staff and outside consultants as needed. It monitors implementation of the plan; reports to the board periodically on major plant and campus issues; keeps the Finance Committee informed on building and grounds needs. This committee also provides board oversight of major building projects, but does not act as the project manager. The building and grounds committee does not get involved in the day to day aspects of facility management but is attentive to the deferred maintenance needs of the physical plant.
  • Education Committee

    This committee concentrates on issues at the broadest level; reviews program and curricular issues at the school; develops and recommends to the board educational policies; and assesses the overall school’s academic performance. This committee does not determine the curriculum or evaluate teachers. The school’s Curriculum Committee is responsible for creating, implementing, and changing curriculum. Committee members include school faculty, administrators, trustees, and at the discretion of the Head of School, some parents.
  • Institutional Advancement Committee

    This committee coordinates the fundraising activities of the school and assists in its marketing efforts; advises the board on the financial goals of the annual campaign through the budget process, and on any capital or endowment campaign; reviews the case statement for any fund appeal; facilitates the inclusion of all trustees and other volunteers in fund- and “friendraising” activities; and raises funds. There are several sub-committees established. Committee members include administrators, trustees, faculty, parents, and friends of the school.
  • Committee on Trustees

    This committee coordinates the identification, cultivation, recruitment, and orientation of new trustees; re-nominates officers; facilitates board self-assessment; identifies board’s needs for education and training and designs vehicles to meet the needs; and organizes the recognition of individual trustees. The committee is charged with nominating individuals to serve as trustees. All nominations are sent to the board for its approval. In addition, this committee oversees the school’s conflict of interest policy, the school’s bylaws, and other governance matters.

List of 25 items.

  • Mr. Andrew Acquarulo Jr., President, PP 2012, 2014

    Having joined the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees in 2004, Andrew Acquarulo Jr. has embraced the school community that he and his wife, Pam, chose for their two daughters more than a decade ago. This is Andy's first term as Board President (2022-2023 school year) after having served for many years as the Vice President. In addition to serving on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees, Andy is also a member of the Hamden Hall Board of Trustee Executive Committee.

    Andy has helped facilitate a number of capital improvements on campus and was a leading proponent of the Beckerman Athletic Center, for which he committed his time and efforts as chair of the parents’ division. He is a founding “father” of the Hamden Hall Father’s Club, a member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, co-chair of the annual Golf and Tennis Tournament, and co-coach of the fifth- and sixth-grade boys’ basketball team.

    As a communications industry veteran, Andy is president and chief operating officer of Communications Networks, also known as ComNet, based in Danbury, Conn. Prior to that post he served for seven years as the business leader of the fiber optic communications platform at GE Security. Andy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering.

    Andy and Pam, who is also an active volunteer on the Hamden Hall campus, reside in North Haven and have two daughters, Blake 2012 and Alex 2014.
  • Mr. Jordan Hadelman 1972, Vice President

    Jordan M. Hadelman 1972 is currently serving his first term as Vice President on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees, having taken his inaugural seat during the 2008-2009 school year and later serving as Secretary. He was a critical component in the Taking on Tomorrow Capital Campaign in his role as co-chair of the Alumni Division.

    Jordan is founding chairman of Witt/Kieffer, one of the nation’s leading executive search firms. Named in “The New Career Makers” as one of America’s top executive recruiters, Jordan has been with Witt/Kieffer for nearly 30 years. He became chairman and CEO in 1996 and was named founding chairman in 2009.
    In addition, Jordan serves as the vice chairman of the Loyola University Health System in Chicago.

    Early in his career, Jordan served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and was charged with the oversight of 3,500 employees at Bethesda Naval Hospital. He received his MHA from George Washington University and his Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Georgetown University. In 1997, Jordan was recognized by George Washington as an alum of the year.

    Jordan and his wife, Deborah, have two sons, Spencer and Benjamin, and reside in River Forest, Ill. Spencer graduated from the University of Wisconsin and works as a sports agent in Chicago. Benjamin is a sophomore at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
  • Dr. David I. Riccio 1970, Treasurer, PP 2000, 2002, 2004

    Dr. David Riccio has served on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees since 1990, acting as board president from 1994 to 2000 and currently serving as treasurer. In addition, Dr. Riccio sits on the school’s emergency response team and has been a fixture on the sidelines for the HH football team for 16 years as its athletic physician. He is also past chair of the school’s Health Committee.
    Dr. Riccio earned his medical degree from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston Salem, N.C., (known today as the Wake Forest School of Medicine) following his attendance at West Point. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Emory University in Atlanta, where he majored in chemistry and minored in psychology. David graduated Hamden Hall in 1970, following his brother Art, who graduated in 1967; and preceding his brother Marc, who graduated in 1973.
    An internist, Dr. Riccio has a private practice in East Haven, Conn., and has earned the coveted Patients' Choice Award. He is the physician for the East Haven school system and is on the executive committee of the Connecticut Medical Group.
    David and his wife, Karen, are past HH parents to David, who attended Hamden Hall; Adam, who graduated in 2002; and Tim, who graduated in 2004.
  • Mr. Anthony "Bill" Vingiano, Secretary, PP 2022

    Anthony “Bill” Vingiano began his service to the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees during the 2016-2017 school year. During the 2022-2023 school year, Bill took on the role of Secretary for the Board. Bill joined the Hamden Hall school community in 2009 when his daughter, Ava, started Kindergarten. Ava was one of seven "Lifers" in the Class of 2022.

    Bill’s wife, Laurie, is the past co-chair of the Hamden Hall Parents’ Association. Formerly, she was the chair of the Ways and Means Committee and has been involved with a number of subcommittees and events. She began her volunteer service to the school as a room parent. In addition, one of the school’s newest traditions, The Rose Ceremony, which takes place during the sixth-grade Commencement Ceremony, was the brainchild of the Vingiano family.

    Bill is a private investor in real estate and he also does consulting. He received his Bachelor of Science in economics from Quinnipiac Univeristy.

    From 1975 to 2014, Bill was vice president and general manager of FleetPride, Inc., his family business. Bill served as the executive and investor while the company was built and resold in three different private equity transactions. Fleetpride became the largest independent distributor of HD truck parts in the United States.
    Bill maintains that he and Laurie wanted a private school experience for Ava and decided on Hamden Hall because its environment was a “fit.”

    “We wanted a small community that our family could engage in and enjoy from Kindergarten through senior year,” he said.
  • Dr. Bayo Afolalu P 2026; PP 2021

    Dr. Bayo Afolalu has been in the Hamden Hall community since 2007 when his son started PreKindergarten - the very day that his daughter was born! Dr. Afolalu is married to Dr. Abisola Afolalu, an internist in North Haven. He joined the Board of Trustees in the 2018-2019 school year.
    Originally from Nigeria, Dr. Afolalu otained his medical degree from University College Hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria. He performed his residency and nephrology fellowship training at St. Raphael's Hospital in New Haven, Conn.
    Dr. Afolalu has been in private practice since 2009 and is a parnter in the Connecticut Kidney Center division of Physician Alliance of CT. The large multispeciality group serves New Haven and Fairfield County. In addition, he has previously served on the Medical Advisory Board of the National Kidney Foundation in Connecticut.
    The doctors Afolalu reside in Orange with their two children, Timi, Class of 2021, and Tami, Class of 2025.
  • Mrs. Barbara De Natale PP 1999, 2004, 2011

    Barbara De Natale began serving the Hamden Hall school community more than 25 years ago when the eldest of her three children entered first grade. Since that time, Barbara has run the gamut in terms of posts held and committee work undertaken, including her service on the Board of Trustees, which she took a seat on during the 2004-2005 school year.
    Barbara started getting involved with the Hamden Hall community through membership on the Parents’ Association, of which she was president for three years. She has chaired Grandparents’ Day, the biennial auction, initiated the speakers’ series for the Parents’ Association, served as a room parent, and is currently the Middle and Upper School new parent liaison. Her work on the board includes her current chairmanship of the Education Committee.
    “I consider Hamden Hall my extended family and I feel that whatever I do for the school is a labor of love,” said Barbara, who graduated with a Bachelor of Art degree in English from Fordham University.
    Barbara formerly worked in sales and also as a research assistant in the Stratford school district in association with Yale University’s Haskins Laboratories. She has also taught English as a second language. In addition, Barbara serves on the Board of Trustees of the Hospital of St. Raphael Foundation, chairing a number of committees including special events.
    Barbara and her husband, Ralph, a vascular surgeon, married in 1974 when he was in medical school. He currently practices at Connecticut Vascular Center in North Haven, where he is a partner, and the couple resides in Woodbridge.
  • Mr. Marshal D. Gibson PP 2005

    Marshal Gibson may be a past parent at Hamden Hall, but that hasn’t stopped him from continued service to the school from which his daughter, Laura, graduated in 2005. Marshal has served on the Board of Trustees since the 1999-2000 school year.
    Born in Montreal, Quebec, Marshal earned his LLM in taxation from NYU Law School. He practices tax law in New Haven. Practice areas include estate planning, pension, federal income taxation corporate and probate.
    He is also a member of the Connecticut, New York State, and American Bar Associations, as well as the Florida Bar. He is board certified in taxation by the Florida Bar Association. From 1981 to 1984 he was on the board of directors of the Connecticut Estate and Tax Planning Council. He also served for many years as chairman of the Woodbridge Zoning Board of Appeals and was the town moderator of Woodbridge from 1994 to 1998.
  • Dr. Annmarie Golioto P 2025; PP 2023

    Dr. Annmarie Golioto joined the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees during the 2018-2019 school year. She is mom to a Hamden Hall alumnus, John of the Class of 2023; and current student Lauren, Class of 2025.
    Dr. Golioto is the Medical Director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford and is the Regional Director of the Hartford Healthcare Neonatal Network. She is board certified in pediatrics and neonatal medicine and is an international board certified lactation consultant.
    She holds faculty appointments in pediatrics at both Yale University and the University of Connecticut Schools of Medicine. Other affiliations include her membership in the CT Perinatal Quality Collaborative, which is dedicated to improving care to mothers and babies, and her service in an advisory role to Baby-friendly USA, a national organization dedicated to promoting best practice in infant feeding.
    A former New Jersey resident, Dr. Golioto now resides in Cheshire with her husband, Dr. Michael Golioto, a gastroenterologist in private practice as a partner and board member of Connecticut GI, whom she met in medical school. The couple has a third child, Alexandra, who is a student at Eagle Hill School in Hardwick, Mass.
    Dr. Golioto earned her bachelor's degree at Emory University and her medical degree from the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She performed her residency in pediatrics and fellowship training in neonatology at Duke University Medical Center.
  • Mrs. Laurie Ann Letizia P 2025; PP 2019, 2021

    Laurie Ann Letizia is seen so often around campus by our students, faculty, administration, and staff that many believe she works for the school full time. She has modeled this daily commitment for a decade and can often be heard telling others that Hamden Hall is her “second family.” She joined the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees during the 2017-2018 school year.

    Laurie Ann did not hesitate to get involved from day one when she volunteered to become a room parent for her son and did so for each of her children for many years. Also during this time, Laurie Ann became involved with the Parents' Association serving on Ways and Means, Hospitality, and holding the posts of Vice President then Co-President.

    Laurie Ann has served as the co-chair of numerous PA auctions, fashions shows, wine tastings, and Grandparents & Special Friends Day. This is in addition to being a Hamden Hall Admissions Ambassador and organizer and volunteer of back-to-school picnics, concessions, homecomings, and any other campus-wide event or activity that benefits Hamden Hall and, most importantly, its students.

    The school acknowledged her longtime commitment and pervasive Hamden Hall spirit in the spring of 2022 when the Laurie Ann Letizia Theater Design and Production Studio was dedicated in her honor.

    Prior to Hamden Hall, Laurie Ann was the Director of International Operations for Subway worldwide. This work took her to over 55 countries from Saudi Arabia, where she was the guest of the royal family, to Caracas, Venezuela, where she was given the key to the city. In her position, Laurie Ann was responsible for the contract negotiations, start-up and ongoing operations for more than 4,000 stores in 72 countries. In addition to being the youngest employee in the Subway World Headquarters senior circle, Laurie Ann received the Subway Leadership Award and International recognition awards from Central and Latin America and Europe.

    Laurie Ann holds a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and advertising and a Master's degree in International Business. She and her husband John, founder and Managing Partner of Letizia, Ambrose and Falls, have three children: John Carlo 2019, Luke 2021, and Addison 2025. All three have been enrolled at Hamden Hall since Kindergarten. The Letizias reside in Guilford.
  • Mr. Clement Lewin, Ph.D. PP 2012

    Past parent Clement “Clem” Lewin and his wife, the late Susan Lewin, enrolled their daughter, Sylvana, Class of 2012, in the fourth grade at Hamden Hall. Since that time, Clem has continued to commit his time, treasure, and talent to the school.

    Clem accepted a seat on the Board of Trustees during the 2017-2018 school year. He also serves on Gaylord Specialty Healthcare’s Board of Directors.

    Clem, who earned an M.B.A. from Cornell University and a Ph.D. from the University of London, is the Associate Vice President of Research and Development Strategy at global biopharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur in Cambridge, Mass. He has extensive experience in large pharmaceutical and biotechnology environments.
  • Mrs. Joyce Lujic GP 2025, 2028, 2031, 2036s; PGP 2014, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2025; PP 1986, 1987, 1989, 1998

    For 13 years, Joyce Lujic served as the President of the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees. Moreover, she has been associated with Hamden Hall for more than four decades, having initiated such legacies as the Peer Leadership program, the Campus Store, and Homecoming. Her four children are all HH graduates and all of her grandchildren have either attended and/or graduated from our halls. At Commencement 2022, Joyce received the school's highest distinction:  the Medal of Honor.

    Joyce was initially elected to the Board of Trustees in 1984 and has served in several capacities, including Secretary, Vice President, and President since the 2008-2009 school year. Prior to her work as a trustee, Joyce began her tenure at Hamden Hall as a member of the Parents’ Association, serving from 1974 to 1983, the last two years of which were as its president. She also chaired the Development Committee from 1988 until assuming the post of Board president.

    The longevity of Joyce’s volunteer work to the Hamden Hall community was acknowledged in 2007 with the dedication of the Joyce D. Lujic Music Suite which, prior to being so named, had been renovated and remodeled. An athletic award, presented on Awards Day, is also named after Joyce.

    From 1960 to 1967, Joyce was the director of the Hospital of Saint Raphael’s School of Radiological Technology and from 1990 to 2001 she was the office manager of Anesthesia Associates of New Haven P.C. Joyce also served on the Saint Raphael Auxiliary from 1968 to 1973 and was a board member for nine years on the Saint Raphael Foundation.

    Joyce resides in North Haven with her husband of more than 40 years, Dr. Petar Lujic, past chairman for 22 years of the Hospital of St. Raphael’s Anesthesiology Department. The couple earned the hospital’s distinguished award, the Dr. Oscar Roth award, for their leadership and fundraising abilities. Four of her five children (a fifth child, Petar, died in 1997 at age 24 due to complications from cerebral palsy) are also doctors: Katarina Lujic Curtis 1986, Denisa Lujic Millhouse 1987, Sanda Lujic Tomak 1989, and son Marko Lujic 1998. 
  • Mr. Robert Massey Jr. PP 2011s, 2016

    Bob Massey Jr. has served on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees since the start of the 2007-2008 school year. Other on-campus posts include his service on the Buildings and Grounds Committee as well as his former role as vice president of the Hamden Hall Fathers’ Club.
    “I am honored to serve as a trustee, utilizing my business and civic background to such a fine Institution,” said Bob of his commitment to the board.
    Bob and his wife, Shelley, former vice president of the Hamden Hall Parents’ Association, have three children, all of whom received their education under the pines. Twin daughters Morgan and Taylor were the Class of 2011, while son Brandon was the Class of 2016.
    Bob is the chief executive officer of his family’s business, Massey’s Plate Glass & Aluminum, Inc., based in Branford and Providence, R.I. In addition, Bob serves his community in his role as chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners for the town of Branford.
  • Mrs. Marianne McKeon Lucey 1972

    Marianne McKeon Lucey took a seat on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees in 2019 after having graduated from the school in 1972. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Wheaton College in Norton, Mass., in 1976.
    Marianne pursued a career in book publishing at the Yale University Press in New Haven and Doubleday & Co. and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., in New York City.
    She currently resides in Greenwich, Conn., with her husband Don. They have two sons who are recent graduates of Boston College and Syracuse University.
    Marianne has been actively involved in the Parents Association of both Brunswick and Stanwich Schools in Greenwich.
  • Dr. Meena S. Moran PP 2015, 2018, 2021

    Dr. Meena S. Moran began her service to the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees during the 2012-2013 school year, but has been affiliated with the school since 2002 when she and her husband, Dr. Thomas Moran, enrolled their oldest child in Kindergarten. Jay, Class, of 2015, is now attending the Yale School of Medicine; while Krishnan, Class of 2018, is at Northeastern University, and youngest child Anisha is in the Class of 2021.
    Since 1998, Meena has been an attending physician at Yale-New Haven Hospital in the department of Therapeutic Radiology. She is currently an Associate Professor for the Yale School of Medicine and also serves as the Medical Director of the Backus Breast Center in Norwich, Conn., and the Medical Director of Therapeutic Radiology for their W. W. Backus Satellite. Meena is also an Associate Clinical Professor at Yale University School of Nursing. Her academic interests focus on breast cancer research and teaching medical students and residents.
    Meena received her M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1994 and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in biology from SUNY at Stony Brook in 1989. She is board certified in radiation oncology from the American Board of Radiology and serves on multiple boards and panels including the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) for the American College of Surgeons, American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Expert Panel, and the American Board of Radiology (ABR) Board Examinees (Breast). She serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) and The Breast Journal, and is also Senior Associate Breast Editor for the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics.
    The Morans reside in Guilford.
  • Ms. Phyllis Pari PP 2018, 2021

    Ms. Phyllis Pari is an attorney with Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, P.C. She graduated magna cum laude from Boston University School of Law, where she was a note editor for the Boston University Law Review.
    Formerly, Phyllis served on the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees as co-president of the Parents’ Association. As of the 2018-2019 school year, Phyllis officially became a trustee while also serving on the Parents’ Association as Admissions Liaison, past president, and advisor.
    Phyllis and her husband, Rodney Neubauer, have two children: Joseph, a Class of 2018 alumnus, and Andrew, Class of 2021.
    Her legal counsel work has included healthcare, corporate matters, workers’ compensation, and general litigation in state and federal court. In addition, her work on behalf of health care clients has included drafting employment and contractor agreements, handling employment litigation matters, and counseling home care and mental health clients in connection with provider audits conducted by the Department of Social Services.
    Prior to Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, P.C., Phyllis was a litigation partner at the law firm of Wiggin & Dana in New Haven, where she represented health care institutions and professionals in complex litigation and administrative complaints. She has defended hospitals and individual health care providers in medical malpractice cases involving complex medical issues and large damage exposure.
    Phyllis has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Ronald McDonald House of Connecticut and volunteers at her church.
  • Mrs. Maria Esposito Prota 1982, PP 2011, 2013

    Maria Esposito Prota 1982 took her seat on the Board of Trustees in 2013.
    A “Lifer,” Maria’s association with Hamden Hall has been a long and endearing one. For 14 years, she served on the Parents’ Association Board with five terms as president. She co-chaired five association auctions and two fashion shows. She has served as a room parent for many grades, volunteered at several Grandparent & Special Friends Days, and at the Annual Golf & Tennis Tournament. For six years, Maria was leader for the Hamden Hall Girl Scout Troop.
    Maria and her husband, Carl, were also the co-chairs for the Senior Class Legacy Gift for the Class of 2011 and 2013. For the past two summers, Maria has taught the “Sounds, Letters, and More” class that is offered as part of the Summer Academy. She also served a three-year term on the Alumni Association Council.
    Maria earned a Bachelor of Science in both special education and regular education from the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Conn. She received her master’s from Southern Connecticut State University in early childhood special education. She worked in the Madison Public School System as a special education teacher for five years, and she was an educational consultant at Haskins Laboratories in New Haven. At Haskins, Maria was involved with several research projects that included scientifically based reading instruction and the impact it had on teachers and students in a variety of public school systems.
    Currently, Maria is employed by Scientifically Based Reading Instruction, is a reading interventionist in the Stratford Public School System. Maria also tutors students who need extra help in reading.
    Maria is married to Dr. Carl Prota, a dentist who runs s family practice in East Haven. Their children, Matthew 2011 and Katherine 2013, are both Hamden Hall “Lifers,” attending Quinnipiac University and the College of the Holy Cross, respectively.
  • Mr. Joseph R. Sapiente PP 2013, 2017, 2022

    Hamden Hall welcomed Hamden Hall parent Joseph Sapiente to the Board of Trustees during the 2014-2015 school year. Joe is the Global Vice President of Quality Operations for Covidien, an international healthcare products leader in Massachusetts. His role takes him all over the world.

    Joe is an experienced leader with 31 years in the medical device industry. His background includes leading and managing in a multi-national, multi-leveled and multi-function organization. His career in medical devices covers a range of areas, including the professional development of other industry leaders, directing their personal leadership growth. Joe also works with the development and implementation of quality systems to support compliance with Quality System Requirements as defined by the United States Food and Drug Administration for domestic and international locations, including Japan, China, Brazil, India, and Russia.

    At Covidien, Joe oversees the auditing for compliance, failure investigation, CAPA, gap analysis, design control, hazard analysis, and risk management. His responsibilities include preclinical and clinical testing, and confirming design intent. He works with regulatory affairs including submissions and approvals, permits in the United States, Canada, and the countries of the European Union. Joe also has device submission experience, and he works with clinical affairs, professional medical education, and supplier quality management.

    A native of Connecticut, Joe holds a degree in mechanical engineering technology and a bachelor of science in business management. He and wife, Kathy, have three children. Their sons, Joe and Spencer, are Class of 2013 and 2017, respectively; while daughter Ashley was in the Hamden Hall Class of 2022.

    “Witnessing our children’s growth at Hamden Hall has been so rewarding,” Joe said. “Kathy and I believe that while we may be born with certain things—talents, behaviors and skills—the faculty and the entire community offers an enriched environment, enabling all students to flourish. Every child is given an opportunity to achieve a level of success academically and personally.”
  • Ms. Kyle Ballou-Johns, Trustee Emeritus, PP 2011, 2016

    A familiar face in the Hamden Hall community, Kyle Ballou-Johns served for 10 years on the Board of Trustees, from 2009 to 2019, and previously served on the Parents’ Association board for two years. Following her keynote speech as the 2019 Commencement speaker, Kyle was pronounced a Trustee Emeritus.
    She and her husband, Dr. Keith Johns of Hamden, have two sons, Keith 2011 and Kevin 2016.
    Kyle is the Vice President of Community and Government Relations at Yale New Haven Health System. She serves the greater community in myriad ways, including seats on several boards: the Hill Development Corporation, the Connecticut Mental Health Center, and The Girl Scouts of Connecticut. She has served as chairman of the board of the Mental Health Association, and she was a board member of Long Wharf Theater.
    At Yale New Haven Hospital, Kyle develops legislative strategies on the federal and state levels and supports the hospital's commitment to serving its community. Prior to Yale-New Haven Hospital, she held a position as vice president of Public Policy for Fleet Bank in Hartford, where she was responsible for tracking state and federal legislation affecting the banking industry. Kyle also spent four years as director of Government Relations for the 6,000-member Connecticut State Medical Society and four years as assistant counsel for the Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
    A graduate of Mount Holyoke College, Kyle earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Connecticut School of Law. She is a member of the Connecticut and the American Bar Associations.
    Kyle’s dedication to her community has garnered numerous awards including the 2002 Women of Color in Health, Science, and Technology. She was named among 20 Noteworthy Women of 2002, 40 under 40 for Professional and Community Involvement, and Most Valuable PAC Player by AHAPAC. The U.S. Postal Service and the Connecticut National Guard recognized Kyle for her contributions to Black History Month. She was awarded the Hamden Black Notable award in 2003. In 2008, Hill Development Corporation presented Kyle with the Community Builder Award, and the Greater New Haven Clergy Association honored Kyle at their annual awards gala.
    "I believe in getting involved where I have the most commitment, and that is at Hamden Hall where my two sons are receiving their education," said Kyle of her dedication to the school.
  • Mr. John Beirne Jr., Trustee Emeritus, PP 2006

    John Beirne Jr. has been affiliated with the Hamden Hall community since his son, Evan, began his studies under the pines in 2001. Evan graduated in 2006, but John continued his commitment to the school as a Trustee and has served on the Board since 2004.
    In 2017, John became a Trustee Emeritus.
    For most of John’s 50-year career in financial services, he has specialized in public pension fund management. His vast institutional expertise also includes private pension plans, endowments, hospitals, foundations and 401(k) plans. John founded Beirne Wealth Consulting (BWC) after 46 years at Merrill Lynch, much of it as head of the Beirne Wealth Management Group. Today his vision and perspective continue to benefit clients as he guides the team at BWC in his role as chief investment officer.
    John holds a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) designation from the Wharton School of Business. He is a 1965 graduate of the University of Connecticut, where he received a bachelor’s degree in economics. He also attended the business graduate school at the University of Bridgeport, where he studied corporate finance. John is a certificate recipient from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania for pension fund and money management. He also studied abroad at the INSEAD School in Fontainebleau, France specializing in global corporate finance. Additionally, John has completed courses of study at Stanford and Harvard Universities.
    John has been a member of Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA) since 1987. He received the Business Person of the Year award in 1986 from the Milford Chamber of Commerce. John is also a board member of the First Tee of Connecticut and of the Connecticut Yankee Council Boy Scouts of America.
    An avid golfer – like his son Evan, who played for Division I St. John’s University and now plays professionally – John also loves travel, reading, biking, Bikram yoga and spending time with his family. He resides in Orange, Connecticut.
  • Mr. John Edwards, President Emeritus, PP 1998, 2000

    John Edwards is the first Trustee Emeritus in the school’s history – an honor bestowed on him by his fellow trustees when he stepped down in June 2008 from his position as Board President.
    John first joined the Hamden Hall Board of Trustees in 1991 while he and his wife, Debbie, had their children enrolled at the school. The couple of has two children, Lisa and Nathan, both of whom attended from Kindergarten through eighth grade.
    During John’s tenure, Hamden Hall was immersed in its quest to build a new athletic center. John not only supported that objective, he actually signed the documents to purchase the Skiff Street property that now houses the Beckerman Athletic Center.
    John currently serves as Chairman of the Board of William Woods University in Fulton, Mo., and in the past has been on the Foundation Board of St. Raphael’s Hospital in New Haven, Conn., and several other organizations in New England. John also sits on the distribution committee of the John R. McCune Charitable Trust, which is responsible for contributing the income from the Trust–which was established by his grandfather.
    John and Debbie relocated to Hilton Head, S.C., in 2008 after having called Woodbridge, Conn., home for nearly 25 years. While in Connecticut, John served as a volunteer fireman and chaired the Republican Town Committee for four years. He was also appointed to the Town Fire Commission for a four-year term.
    His newest volunteer appointment is to the Board of the Hilton Head Concours D’Elegance, an annual car show weekend with vintage car racing and show competition that draws 20,000 to 30,000 people to Hilton Head in the fall.
  • Mr. Rick Epstein, Trustee Emeritus, PP 2000, 2002, 2005

    Trustee Emeritus Rick Epstein has a long-established association with the Hamden Hall school community including several terms as a trustee over a two decade span. He became a Trustee Emeritus during the 2018-2019 school year.
    Rick has been involved with the Hamden Hall community since 1994, at which time he enrolled his oldest child in seventh grade. Rick and his wife, Debra, have three children: Kate 2000, Emily 2002, and Herbie 2005.
    Rick is president of L.H. Brenner Insurance located in New Haven. During his time on the board he has served on the Finance Committee and also co-chaired the first Senior Class Parent Fund that helped raise money to establish the stone entrance on Whitney Avenue.
    In 2009, Rick was honored with a Hamden Hall Donor Recognition Award for his generosity and commitment to the school and board.
  • Mr. Carl M. Porto Sr., Trustee Emeritus, PGP 2016, 2019; PP 1986, 1989, 1994

    The name Porto is truly synonymous with the Hamden Hall community because of the family's decades-long involvement with the school, not the least of which is the personal commitment of Carl M. Porto Sr.
    A Trustee since 1983, Carl and his wife, Terry, a former first-grade teacher at Hamden Hall, enrolled all three of their sons and later had two grandchildren graduate from the school. Carl has served in many capacities over his years as a trustee, including chair of the Legal Committee and the Committee on Trustees, and has been a member of the selection committee for each of the school's last three headmasters. Following his grandson Billy’s graduation in 2019, Carl became a Trustee Emeritus.
    “To help Hamden Hall by my service has been my distinct pleasure. I have had the privilege of watching the school advance its mission and achieve a unique place in private education in greater New Haven,” said Carl. “Hamden Hall is more than a school; it is a culture that allows our students to grow educationally and socially to reach their full potential, to become the contributing and concerned citizens that the school, and their parents, can be proud of.”
    The managing principal of the law firm, Parrett, Porto, Parese & Colwell, P.C., in Hamden, Carl earned his Juris Doctor in 1967 from the University of Connecticut School of Law. He completed his bachelor's degree in 1964 at Boston University. Carl has been an active member of his profession taking important assignments and positions in the Connecticut Bar Association, such as his current chairmanship of the Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law; and the New Haven County Bar Association, previously serving as its president.
    In addition to representing Hamden Hall's interest, Carl focuses his practice in the areas of physicians and medical practices, business transactions, zoning and land use, litigation, and personal injury law. Joining him in the practice are sons Carl Porto II 1986, who is married to Hamden Hall alumna Kimberly Gold Porto 1987, a fifth-grade teacher at Hamden Hall, and Joseph Porto 1989, both of whom are principals in the firm. Youngest son Mark Porto 1994, also an attorney, is employed in the general counsel's office of EMCOR Group, Inc., a New York Stock Exchange company.
    Carl is also quite active within his community as an associate fellow, Timothy Dwight College, at Yale University, as the current president of the Quinnipiack Club of New Haven and the past president of New Haven Country Club, and formerly as a member of the board of directors of the Bank of New Haven, Citizens Bank of Connecticut and Rhode Island, New Haven Symphony Orchestra, Shubert Performing Arts Center, and St. Raphael's Hospital Foundation.
    Carl and his wife reside in Hamden.
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  • Mr. Spencer O. Taylor 1976, Trustee Emeritus

    Philanthropist Spencer Olin Taylor 1976 has been engaged with the Hamden Hall community since his since his days under the pines as a Kindergartner. He began serving on the Board of Trustees during the 2006-2007 school year and was seated as a Trustee Emeritus during the 2012-2013 school year.
    Spencer is the former president of the Spectral Music Corporation, a music production company in New York. He established the Spencer Olin Taylor Foundation Inc. in Palm City, Fl., in 2002.
    In 2013, Spencer honored his mother, Dr. Barbara Olin Taylor, by investing in a new Learning Commons for the school in Swain Library. The Barbara Olin Taylor Learning Commons was dedicated in 2014.
    Spencer was also instrumental in the fundraising success of the Taking On Tomorrow Campaign, which resulted in the 65,000-square-foot Beckerman Athletic Center. The fitness center at the BAC bear his family name.
    Spencer is a graduate of the Choate School and Harvard University.
  • Mrs. Kristen Wallis, Co-President Parents’ Association, P 2028, 2031

  • Mr. Robert J. Izzo, Head of School, PP 2012, 2014, 2018

    For three decades, Bob Izzo has been an integral member of the Hamden Hall community. He is the school’s 10th head master, having been appointed during the 2005-2006 school year.

    Bob previously served as the school’s business manager and chief financial officer in addition to roles as a mathematics teacher and the varsity golf coach. Additionally, he served as interim head of school prior to his official appointment by the Board of Trustees.

    Along with his wife Janet, Bob has three children, all of whom are Hamden Hall Hornets and Lifers, meaning they've been in our school community since kindergarten! Michael graduated in 2012 and earned his bachelor’s degree in 2016 from the University of Notre Dame; Allison graduated in 2014 and earned her bachelor's degree from Wake Forest University; and Christopher graduated in 2018 and is currently attending Boston College.

    Working diligently along with the Board of Trustees, faculty, parents, alumni, and others, Bob has advanced the school in many areas in order to provide the Hamden Hall Experience to all students. He takes a multi-faceted approach in his leadership of the school community in that he engages trustees, administrators, and faculty to work together on a regular basis to review and improve curriculum and extra-curricular offerings, streamline administrative functions, raises funds for facility improvements and endowment growth, and more. Bob’s personal commitment is to ensure that each student at Hamden Hall receives an outstanding educational experience – an experience that promotes good individual decision-making, lifelong learning, and social awareness for those who are less fortunate.

    Bob's primary focus will always be creating the best possible academic environment for students, and he has worked to expand and enhance the academic program at every level and in every discipline. Furthermore, under his leadership, the school’s infrastructure has grown and benefited from enhancement on both campuses. He oversaw construction of the $13 million, state-of-the-art 65,000-square-foot Beckerman Athletic Center, which has become a hub of activity and engagement for both Hamden Hall families and the greater New Haven community. He also spearheaded several building projects on the main campus, including a major renovation and addition to Taylor Gymnasium; renovations to the Lower School Art Studio and the Middle and Upper School Art Studio; a renovation and expansion of the school’s music facility; the creation of a MakerSpace Design Lab; major renovations to Swain Library and its repurposing into the Barbara Olin Taylor Learning Commons; and a beautification project that increased parking and got the school back to its roots via the planting of 100 mature pine trees. Bob also guided the school in the recent acquisition of the 20 Davis Street property. This new 3.4-acre addition that includes a historic gothic-like mansion and is located across the street from the Whitney Avenue campus, will serve as the future home to our Lower School. During Bob’s first 14 years as head, the school has invested over $20 million in campus and facility improvements.

    In 2009 during Bob’s tenure, the school expanded its Early Childhood Program to include 3-year-olds. Hamden Hall is now a PreSchool through Grade 12 community that takes pride in the fact that students interact with each other daily via mentorship programming, All School Assemblies, community service projects, and other offerings that embrace the message of the school’s second headmaster, Herbert H. Vreeland Jr., who imparted the basic tenet that Hamden Hall is a large family.

    Bob has also been instrumental in creating several key Signature Programs for the school that provide optimal experiential learning opportunities for students utilizing resources both on and off campus. Hamden Hall’s Signature Programs include the Global Online Academy; Mystic Seaport Partnership; Science, Innovation & Design; Princeton Peer Leadership; our premier Theatre and Music programs; the Hamden Hall Aquatic Club and, most recently, the Hamden Hall Basketball Club.

    Bob’s credentials include a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Rhode Island and an M.B.A. from Bryant University. Bob also completed graduate work at Teachers College Columbia University and has served as an adjunct instructor at Post University. Off campus, he has worked extensively with the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools, where he served two three-year terms on the Board of Directors. He has served on several non-profit boards in the New Haven community, including The Ronald McDonald House of Connecticut and The Pediatric Foundation. He has served on re-accrediting committees for both the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Bob’s work within the Greater New Haven area also included a long tenure as a commissioner and coach for the Hamden Regional Youth Basketball League, an organization that provided a competitive basketball experience as well as skill development for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 17. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Whitneyville Cultural Commons.

Board of Trustee News

Hamden Hall Country Day School

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Hamden Hall Country Day School is a nurturing and inclusive community with a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.