Educational Excellence Since 1912
Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating students in PreSchool through Grade 12

Mary Condon Varros 1946

Jodi Amatulli
It was a pleasant surprise to receive the 70th Reunion invitation. I have landed here in Yarmouthport, Mass., after a wonderful life of travel. After Hamden Hall, I attended Trinity College in Washington, D.C. Upon my college graduation in 1950, I was recruited for a government position with the CIA. On assignment to Bogota, Columbia, I met my future husband (an officer in the Department of Security). We were married in Paris, France. Our daughter was born there. Back in the U.S. our twin sons joined us. When the boys were 2 ½, we were sent to Mexico City for four years. Following that was a four-year assignment to Taipei, Taiwan. In the 1960s we lived in Rio de Janeiro for two years. We settled down as a family in Maryland for five years. Our daughter was in college; a son joined the Navy for four years.  Our older son is still in Maryland with his wife and children. Ottawa, Canada, was our final station— a total joy! Best wishes to my classmates.

Hamden Hall Country Day School

About Us

Hamden Hall Country Day School is a nurturing and inclusive community with a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.